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Bowfishing for Carp at Lake Casitas

Program Parameters

The Bowfishing for Carp Program is subject to change. Bowfishing, which is allowed for carp only, no other species, is authorized by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. It requires a valid fishing permit from DFG and all DFG regulations apply. Additionally, all Lake Casitas Recreation Area ordinances and regulations must be followed.

Program Rules

Program rules are outlined in the LCRA Bowfishing Only for Carp Permit Application and Agreement which includes a liability release and an acknowledged understanding of the parameters of the program.  With a signed Application and Agreement, each person can then be issued a Daily Permit containing a carp fishing boundary map.


A Daily Permit will be issued only after 8 a.m. and after confirmation by Park Staff that a completed, signed Application and Agreement is on file. Once issued, the daily bright orange permit is required to be visible at all times.

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